Udayan Kidz - Premium Pre School and Daycare Udayan Kidz Preschool and Daycare AG Colony Patna Udayan Kidz Preschool Ashiana Nagar Patna UDAYAN KIDZ Preschool and Premium Daycare Published 24/02/2023 In our UDAYAN KIDZ Preschool with Premium Daycare we provide best education to our children and also gives disciplines and develops both academic performances as well as curricular activities. Cildren learns to read, write, speak, practice activities, and learn various skills through preschool education. It enlightens, empowers, and creates a positive development and education of individual child. Educational knowledge and skills to work with virtue. It aids the all-round mental, physical, and intellectual growth and development of an individual child.
Published 29/03/2023 मेरी कोशिश है बिहार में कुछ नया करे Udayan Kidz Preschool opening 1 comment मेरी कोशिश है बिहार में कुछ नया करे Udayan Kidz Preschool opening
Published 21/09/2024 Importance of Teaching Rhyming Words to Pre-Primary Children 1 comment Teaching rhyming words to pre-primary children goes beyond mere fun; it plays a crucial role in early literacy development. Rhyming fosters phonemic […]
Published 28/08/2023 Sports day at A.G. colony centre 1 comment Playing sports can also help children to develop their social skills and help to set them up for positive relationship building for life. […]