Excursions invite Udayan Kidz Premium Preschool children interact with the world around them. Being out and about in their community helps children to learn about their immediate environment. They are also able to practice life skills such as road safety.
In addition to promoting investigation and curiosity, excursions provide children with a chance to interact with their community and strengthen friendships. At Guardian we’re proud to provide additional opportunities for social and emotional development through our diverse ‘Out and About’ excursion programs.

Regular excursions are organised in many of our Centres, with the goal of expanding you child’s horizons. Children may have the opportunity to visit local parks, playgrounds, shops and even businesses such as dentists and doctors. We also often take our older children out and about to local primary schools as part of our ‘Moving On Up’ to school programs.

All of these interactions add to the richness of a child’s experience in care, and helps them understand their place in the world. Learning in museums makes classroom subjects come alive. Imagine reading about animals, birds and reptiles in class and then studying their fossils, skulls and specimens to better understand their features, habitats and diets. Or examining coins, manuscripts, maps and understanding first-hand how history has been constructed using objects and texts and what they tell us about our past.

In museum environments, students have the opportunity to apply words and phrases learned in classrooms a fantastic example of authentic use of language in real settings. Learning in museums facilitates deeper conceptual understanding by enhancing students’ sensory literacy absorption of information through the senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. That’s why a rising number of museums offer special ‘objects handling’ spaces where children can touch, hold and explore real or replicas of display objects.

In recent years, it has become fairly well- established that museum learning offers gains beyond supplementing curriculum objectives. Object-based learning stimulates and develops curiosity and the capacity for children to make careful, insightful and critical observations. These skills are the basis of good research and have wide application in professions ranging from medicine to law to natural sciences.
Udayan kidz Premium Preschool and Daycare Dwarka Sector 8, New Delhi.