Physical Play Activity Needs for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Physical activity reduces obesity and supports good psychological health. Children consider open public spaces such as parks or beaches to be their favourite place to participate in physical activity. With the rising obesity rates in our children, the importance of encouraging enjoyable, active play in our children significantly increases.

Physical Play Activity Needs for Toddlers and Preschoolers exposure to nature is very much important at the same time. As it turns out, getting some fresh air is very important for our kid’s health! We think children benefit from learning about and from nature by immersing themselves in it. In the modern world, kids are spending more time inside buildings when they attend day-care, preschool or school. So we encourage outdoor games, which helps our little ones to develop a love for nature which includes exposure to dirt, water, sand, plants and nature sounds. This is also important for the integration of our child’s different sensory systems. Which is always taken care of by us at

Udayan Kidz Preschool AG Colony Patna.