Mother’s Day Activities for Students

Mother's day Activities for students
Mother’s Day Activities for students and Children at home

Play Group:

Handprint Cards:

  • Create handprint cards using non-toxic paint. Have children dip their hands in paint and press them onto folded cards to create handprint cards. Write a simple message inside like “Happy Mother’s Day!”

Sing Along:

  • Teach children a simple Mother’s Day song or rhyme. For example:
    Mommy, Mommy, I love you, You make every day so much fun, With a hug and a kiss, On this Mother's Day, I want to say, I love you!


Planting Flowers:

  • Let children plant flowers in small pots. Provide soil, flower seeds, and pots. This activity will not only be fun but also teach children about the growth of plants.


  • Read a simple story about mothers and have a discussion about why their moms are special. Encourage children to share stories about their moms.

Jr. KG:

Photo Frames:

  • Provide children with plain photo frames using cardboard, stickers, markers, and glue. Let them decorate the frames as they like. You can also take a photo of each child to put in the frame.

Mother’s Day Crown:

  • Help children make crowns using construction paper, stickers, and markers. They can decorate the crown and wear it proudly.

Sr. KG:

Handprint Flower Bouquet:

  • Create a bouquet of flowers using children’s handprints. Paint their hands with different colors and press them onto paper. Add stems and leaves to turn the handprints into a beautiful bouquet.

Mother’s Day Storybook:

  • Help children create a small storybook about their moms. Provide them with pre-made templates with prompts such as “My mom’s name is…”, “My mom is special because…”, and “I love my mom because…”. Let them draw pictures to go along with each page. Or give them a printed worksheet and help them to fill it.

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Class 1:

Mother’s Day Poems:

  • Assist children in creating simple poems for their moms. You can start with a template like:
    My mother is as sweet as can be, She always takes good care of me. She reads me stories, she helps me play, I love my mom more every day.

Make a Mother’s Day card. Using adjectives for her. Eg. She is beautiful, loving, caring, etc.

Class 2:

Handprint Flower Pots:

  • Provide small terracotta pots, paint, and brushes. Help children paint their hands and make handprints on the pots. After the paint dries, plant some seeds or small flowers in the pots. Children can take home the flower pots as gifts for their moms.

Mother’s Day Acrostic Poems:

  • Assist children in creating acrostic poems using the word “MOTHER”. For example:
    M: My mom is the best! O: Overjoyed when she's around. T: Thankful for all she does. H: Happy Mother's Day! E: Everything she does is magic. R: Ready to show her my love.

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General Ideas (for classes 1 and 2):

Special Mother’s Day Assembly:

  • Organize a special Mother’s Day assembly where children can sing songs, recite poems, and perform short plays dedicated to their mothers.

Mother’s Day Storytime:

  • Read a story about mothers and have a discussion about why their moms are special. Encourage children to share stories about their moms with their classmates.

Handmade Greeting Cards:

  • Provide art supplies such as colored paper, markers, stickers, and glitter. Help children create unique and personalized greeting cards for their moms. Encourage them to write heartfelt messages inside.

Planting Seeds:

  • Let children plant seeds in small pots. Provide soil, seeds, and pots. This activity will not only be fun but will also teach children about the growth of plants.

Singing Session:

  • Teach children a simple Mother’s Day song or rhyme. For example:
  • Mommy, Mommy, I love you, You make every day so much fun, With a hug and a kiss, On this Mother's Day, I want to say, I love you!

Remember to make these activities as engaging and enjoyable as possible, considering the age group and their capabilities. Remember to involve the children as much as possible and keep the activities light, fun, and engaging!